Hero lab online magic weapon pathfinder 2e
Hero lab online magic weapon pathfinder 2e

  1. Hero lab online magic weapon pathfinder 2e full#
  2. Hero lab online magic weapon pathfinder 2e software#

Hero lab online magic weapon pathfinder 2e full#

Each item's description includes full Pathfinder RPG statistics a detailed description of its origins, history, and legacy and plot hooks for Game Masters to use when incorporating the item into ongoing campaigns or when basing new campaigns on the search for the legendary relic. This section details 46 lost treasures steeped in the lore of the Pathfinder campaign setting.

Hero lab online magic weapon pathfinder 2e software#

Software Development Manager Campaign Coordinator

  • Sharaya Kemp, Katina Mathieson, and Sara Marie Teter Warehouse Team.
  • hero lab online magic weapon pathfinder 2e

    Ashley Gillaspie Chief Technical Officer.Joe Homes and Ryan Macklin Lead DesignerĪnd Mark Seifter Managing Art Director Senior Art DirectorĪll the tools needed to equip any campaign with treasure-based adventures can be found here, including details on a dozen legendary treasure hoards in the Inner Sea region and beyond new curses to place upon any item, treasure trove, or guardian and magical treasure chests.Ĭhief Operations Officer.Judy Bauer and Christopher Carey Editors.StephensĪ field report from Venture-Captain Roderus of the Winding Road Lodge in Katapesh to the Decemvirate in Absalom suggests potential Pathfinder treasure hunts based on findings from his lodge's archives.Īssociate Editors john Compton, Adam Daigle, Mark Moreland, Patrick Renie, and Owen K.C.Sutter, and Jerome Virnich Cover ArtistĮric Lofgren, Andrew Olson, Shen F ei, Kim Sokol, Bryan Syme, and joe Wilson Cartographer Wesley Schneider, Mike Shel, Christina Stiles, James L. Judy Bauer, Savannah Broadway, john Compton, Ron Lundeen, Levi Miles, Justin Riddler, F.Ls ger Rea l m of t h e M a m m oth Lords S h u d d e rwood Ustalav Absa l o m Thuvia Rea l m of t h e M a m m oth Lords M e n g k a re's S h a rd s Mishan 's Melodious Feather Mistcoller Nightglass Pale Maiden Phylactery of Jadis-Ve/ Praenomen Ring of the Weary Sky Ruby Skull o f Chast So vith 's Iron Scepter of the Arclords Silen t A viary Songs of Shazathared Soul jar Talmandor Blade Tigress's Strand Trailwalker Traitor's Blade Wayfinder of Many Paths Witchmarket coin Xan thuun Tablets Zaic of the Primevalġ6 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 soġ 6, 0 0 0 g p 37, 0 0 0 gp 1,000 gp 90, 0 0 0 g p 1 57, 5 0 0 g p 52,500 g p 5 0 0, 0 0 0 g p 50,0 0 0 gp 58,31 2 g p 6 0, 5 0 0 g p 2 4 0, 0 0 0 g p 63, 5 0 0 g p 28,71 5 g p 56,000 g p 5,9 0 0 g p 5,400 g p 1 1 4, 0 0 0 g p 50,0 0 0 g p 56,000 g p 28, 5 0 0 g p 2 4 0, 0 0 0 g p 500 gpĪbsa lom, elsewhere Ve rd u ra n F orest (An d o ra n) Te n T h o u s a n d S u m m e rs Palace (Ba c h u a n) Ka l s g a rd (Lands of t h e L i n norm K i n g s) Casso m i r (Ta l d o r) Western l s g e r V u d ra The Worldwo u n d Molth u n e Citadel Dema i n (Chel iax) Brazen Peaks (Ka tapesh) I s l a n d south of j a l m e ray T h e Worldwo u n d Meraz Desert (Qa d i ra) Westcrown (Ch e l i a x) Rahadoum Galt Kao l i n g Daggermark (River K i n g d o ms) Woodsedge (G a l t) S a rgavaĪ l m a s (An d o ra n), River K i n g d o ms, elsewhere Thuvia Almas (Andoran), Dru ma, Mordant S p i re, Oppara (Ta l d o r) Sothis (Os i r i o n) La ke of Mists a n d Ve i l s N i d a l, elsewhere Woodsedge (G a l t) N o rthern G a r u n d O s irion Rahadoum N e a r Mechitar (G e b) l l m u rea (Darkla nds) Southern j a l m e ray Cesca (Usta lav) Egorian (Chel iax)Ģ 5, 0 0 0 g p 6,000 gp 2,500 g p 1 6, 0 0 0 gp 1 2 6,000 gp

    hero lab online magic weapon pathfinder 2e

    Gaspoda r's Si g net Ghoul Stone Golden Carriage of Gaspar Longfello w Iron Road Kiss o f Noctura Lady Ninahu's Doll Losirro 's Staff Nameīam boo Pa lace Beacon of the North Bell of Obedience Bloody Mon tis Champion o f the Gilded Host Dasso/ of Solt and Tears Droddeth Edge Ebon Thorn Eternal Egg Feathered Galley of A tay/as Fiendsplitter Gorden o f Sulesh

    hero lab online magic weapon pathfinder 2e

    T hese ta les often end in t he same way: wit h rumor of t he treasure' s l ast location, wh ic h is itsel f t he b eginning of a new adventure. Many of our oldest stories involve majestic rel ics-some hold ing legend ary power used to turn t he tide of war, ot hers offering unnatura l insig ht to t hose who d are use t hem, and sti ll more t h at are simply coveted for t heir own sa kes.

    Hero lab online magic weapon pathfinder 2e