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"The Bible says to judge people by their fruits, and most of the fruit from most mainstream artists is rotten and covered with maggots.


"I've certainly heard the allegations about Toby Mac being affiliated with simply because of the artwork on his album 'Eye on It,' but this is just an example of how out of control this whole Illuminati in pop culture thing has gotten," Dice told CP on Friday. The album cover for Toby Mac's album "Eye On It." | (Photo: Screengrab/YouTube) Mark Dice, a Christian Internet personality with 350,000 YouTube subscribers and author of " Illuminati in the Music Industry" said the accusations against Toby Mac aren't new. They work off of borrowed capital and should not have the final say on the things God has made." "The world's perversion of these things does not overcome the good intent of God's craftsmanship. are all good things that God is ultimately responsible for designing and are not made evil because of their association to evil," Reach Records noted in January 2014 statement. Mineo and Toby Mac came under similar criticism for depicting the all-seeing eye on the artwork for their albums "Neverland" and "Eye On It." The criticism forced a response from Mineo's label Reach Records which justified the use of the questionable symbols with Scripture. It's ours for the taking to use however we want to use it as long as it honors him." The album cover for Andy Mineo's "Neverland" EP. "I believe the Earth is the Lord's and everything there in. And maybe that was the creator's intention, but that doesn't have any weigh-in on my life," he said.

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I don't take it to mean some kind of cultish symbol. So for me, when I see art, I see art and if it doesn't have a meaning it doesn't. So where as in one country and that means peace, but in another country this is a derogatory symbol. What they represent is really in the heart and the mind and the eye of each individual beholder. " either represent something or they don't. The rapper also addressed the use of the symbols in a 2014 interview with CP Voice. I wonder if the teachers are inducting them into some kind of Illuminati activity." So I've got to talk to my kids because they've been doing a lot of geometry lately. "But I guess triangles represent secret society. I was thinking steeple ," said Lecrae in an interview. "We're always laughing because are going to find in this to think it's Illuminati. Lecrae, however, laughed off the accusations in a recent Rapzilla interview. "This one's revealing of the wolf in sheep's clothing."

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"I think it's time to start questioning even though they have Christian lyrics here and there," said user Kevin Smith. This is no coincidence anymore he did the same thing in his album 'Anomaly,'" said Bax Storm in the YouTube comments section for "Sideways." "All these symbols are believed to be of satanism which they are.

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"Why is Lecrae throwing that kinda symbolism? 2:32. Conspiracy theorists such as YouTube's The Vigilant Christian say this is a Freemason and occult hand signal and some fans say Lecrae has connections to the dark side. Lecrae triggered a frenzy online among Christian fans last month when he posed the triangular hand sign in KB's "Sideways" music video that resembled Jay Z's infamous Roc gesture. Skulls, triangle-shaped hand signs sometimes depicting the all-seeing eye of Egyptian god Horus and other symbolic gestures which many conspiracy theorists interpret as occult imagery, have been showing up in the music videos and artwork of prominent Christian artists such as Toby Mac, Lecrae and Andy Mineo, and fans are concerned that they might be affiliated with a secret society popularly known as the Illuminati - a shadow group they believe runs the world behind closed doors. Fans accuse him of swearing allegiance to the occult. Facebook Twitter Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment 0 Christian rapper Lecrae makes triangular hand gesture in KB's "Sideways" music video.

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